7 small steps to a better diet
The preparation of our meals is based on both nutricion and taste! We use the best raw materials available and our Chinese chefs are attending seminars every three months to be aware of the latest developments in the field of nutrition. Chinese recipes are characterized by low fat combined with many vegetables, so they are delicious and healthy. Follow these tips for a healthy diet:
- Reduce your intake of fat to 30% or less of the total calories you consume.
- Eat 5 or more servings with combinations of vegetables and fruits every day.
- Consume a reasonable amount of protein, but keep it at a reduced level. Prefer chicken and fish from red meat.
- Balance the amount of food you eat, with the amount of exercise and activity you are doing to maintain the proper body weight.
- If you drink alcoholic beverages, limit the quantity you drink in a day to not more than 2 glasses of beer or 2 small glasses of wine, or 2 cocktails.
- Limit the amount of salt (sodium chloride) you consume to six grams a day or less. Limit its use to cooking.
- Try to cover your nutritional needs naturally through food.
CHINA WOK TIME has the solution for proper nutrition
CHINA WOK TIME customers can make a free lipometry test at one of the 70 dietetic 'Διατροφή' offices. Contact them to make an appointment at the following phones:
210 99 66 896
210 27 18 360